As an Indonesian scholar, I feel that studying in Singapore has been an exciting roller-coaster journey for me. I gain a lot of lifetime insights from my education and interaction with people from all walks of life here.
My first taste to Singapore education! Although it was a big jump for me, I thoroughly enjoyed my Secondary 3 and 4. I got to try out things I have never had chance to do before, such as joining Red Cross Society to save people's lives.
The time when I got to explore my diverse interest in both Science and Humanities. The time when I got to bring my classmates together as a Class Representative. The time when I am able to express myself through Theatre and Drama. And the time I am able to go beyond my comfort zone.
I decide to take Computer Science with Statistics (Double Major) because of my passion in exploring the potential of technologies as well as data analytics. I am still in the process of learning and am excited to see what's ahead of me!
I learnt the basic concepts of programming and computational problem solving through JavaScript under CS1101S (Programming Methodology I) module in my first semester.
I am currently learning Object-Oriented Programming and Functional Programming under my CS2030 (Programming Methodology II) module.
I am currently learning the fundamentals of computing devices and C programming under my CS2100 (Computer Organisation) module.
2018, Recognition for Exemplifying Reactor Core Values
2018-2022, ASEAN Undergraduate Merit Scholarship
2018, Scholastic Merit Award in the GCE 'A' Level Examination 2017
2017, Scholastic Merit Award in the Promotional Examination
2014-2017, MOE School-based Scholarship (CHIJ Secondary Toa Payoh and Anglo-Chinese Junior College
2019, 3rd in Basketball (Female) NUS Inter-College Games
2018, 1st in Captain's Ball Tembusu House Games
2018, 2nd in Basketball (Female) Tembusu House Games